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Manuel Albanese graduated in Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine at the University of Milan in 2013. In 2014, he moved to Munich, Germany, where he completed his PhD in the Faculty of Biology at Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Prof. Hammerschmidt’s Gene Vector laboratory at the Helmholtz Center Munich. During his PhD, his research focuses on the study and characterization of Epstein-Barr virus microRNAs and their role in immune evasion. For his postdoc, he moved to Prof. Keppler’s group in 2017 at the Max von Pettenkofer-Institut of the LMU, where he conducted research in the field of HIV and how the virus manages to infect humans and remain in the host for life. During this time, he received the LMU Excellence – Junior Researcher Fund, the Funding program for research and teaching (FöFoLe), and the Friedrich-Baur- Stiftung, all three from the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU), and the DAIG Young Researcher Award from the German AIDS Society (DAIG).
In November 2021, he returned to Italy for his second postdoc in Prof. Lanzavecchia’s lab in INGM, where he focuses on improving the efficiency of immunotherapies based on adoptive transfer of T lymphocytes by modulating the activation and effector functions of lymphocytes through gene editing with CRISPR/Cas9. Since 2023, he has been an Assistant Professor (Researcher Type B) at the University of Milan, and since January 2024, he has been the winner of AIRC’s MFAG grant and has been a Junior Group Leader in INGM with the goal of developing new cancer therapeutic approaches based on engineered extracellular vesicles capable of transporting effector proteins inside cancer cells.

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